Welcome :) I’m Amanda

Certified Wellness Coach & Behavior Change Specialist with 12 years of Mindfulness experience

I started my inner growth/spirituality/awareness/mindfulness (whatever you want to call it) journey in 2012 after reading a prominent spirituality book and truly feeling that mind-stopping moment of full presence. I was hooked. I dove into all things New Age, only to discover that the wisdom and feelings that I want in my life belong within ME and my own intuition.

I’ve worked on developing this faith in myself during many major challenges including deconstructing religion, social anxiety and ADHD, moving to a new city where I knew nobody, leaving corporate and trying to run my own business, postpartum depression and anxiety and so much more.

The past 12 years I have explored world religions and philosophies, spiritual practices like astrology & tarot, Eastern philosophies on energy and chakras, psychology, behavior, creativity and much more - but it is only through action and embodiment of my beliefs that I find true change. This is what I am here to guide people to do with the information and experience I have gathered.

I am still forever working on my decolonization journey which includes removing self-worth from hierarchies, black and white thinking, capitalism & finances, appearances, judgment and shame, etc. If you’re working on these too, I SEE you and you will change your little piece of the world by doing this work.

I live in Raleigh, North Carolina with my husband, daughter, two dogs and cat.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Intel with a background in Finance, but I left my life-sucking corporate career in 2018 to follow what makes my heart happy; helping people develop skills and strategies to direct their focus on living lives that are more authentic to them.

I have a great appreciation for the arts and creatives. My senses are tickled by poetry, food, painting, music….and I will always cry when greeted with a beautiful view of nature.

On an average day, you can find me sippin’ on some tea, dancing around my kitchen while cooking, gathering herbs from the garden or exploring a local park with my family.

I’m also always thinking about my next delicious meal.


what makes me different than other coaches?

First thing, I’m very critical of the coaching and wellness industries. I don’t think we NEED to purchase anything to “fix” ourselves. What I think we need is systemic change that prioritizes the wellbeing of all humans. So you’ll often see me talking about social, political and environmental issues and how it ties in (or doesn’t) with my work.

Second, I don’t tell you what to do. I help you discover the strategies and tools that work for you to listen to that gut/intuition that knows what’s best for you. I will point out exactly what you’re doing right and also help you connect the dots and move forward with clarity on what you can control and where you’re headed.

YOU are the only person who will ever know what is right and aligned to you. Not some diet, some motivational speaker, some Canva quote, or some guru.

I help you stop looking externally for the answers and burning yourself out trying to do all the things that you think you should do, and help you find your own answers that instill confidence and clarity of your path. This leaves our sessions with an internal motivation and sureness in your own abilities and choices. My calls are casual and “go with the flow” with a little bit of structure for support.

Using my 12+ years experience with mindfulness and incredible (thank you ADHD) pattern recognition skills, I help you find practical ways to implement it into your life that don’t require you to change much, if anything. Then you can direct your energy toward what you truly want in life.

Even though I have a lot of tips, information and guidance to give, I am not the expert on your life. How could I be? My goal is to make YOU your own most trusted source and friend. I want to get you closer to intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy through a self-loving approach.

I refuse to believe that we have issues that need to be “fixed,” instead I think we should befriend who we are in this moment. Your body, mind and spirit have been your greatest healers all this time, it’s time we love them back.