Is this work for you?


This is not for the faint of heart. This is for people who are truly ready to sit in the discomfort of setting aside their dopamine hits for a slower way of being.

This is for people who are tired of reacting the same way to life’s stressors and want to focus on what they can control within themselves. We’re done blaming, shaming and judging others and we’re taking this journey inward.

The clients I accept are the ones who are ready to be fully responsible for what’s theirs. They know that it doesn’t make them a ‘bad’ person and they are unpacking all that they’ve been taught about their worth as a human. They are learning to deeply care for their mind, body and spirit, and know that they have to stabilize their own ground first so they can shift the impact they’re making on the world.

They understand that their attention is their greatest currency and shifting what they believe is the first step to creating a new, more equitable world. They are passionate about community care, they want to shine their light to make an impact and they know that healing comes from self-expression.

We focus on the big picture, breaking the steps down, and making sure they’re deeply rooted in your values. From there, we build your trust in your intuition and learn how to let your mind rest and your body speak, in ways that are sustainable for you.

we work on:

  • developing skills to be more present in our lives to expand our capacity to BE with our experience

  • practicing taking small actions forward that not only make sense, but also feel purposeful

  • connecting to the signals our bodies give us and how to pay closer attention to them

  • finding ways to manage the ups and downs as they come and not be sucker punched every time something happens that we cannot control.

The answers come from you, as you are the expert on your lived experience.

I am simply the support that helps you find massive impact through the subtle shifts. I believe we need to take it back to the basics and make personal growth more simple and sustainable. No fluff, just the next, aligned step.



  • Coaching for those who want to work on mindfulness skills to build confidence, self-trust, intuition recognition, peace and fulfillment with their current lives.

    we work on:

    • developing skills in a way that considers your unique life, personality and preferences

    • creating your own blueprint of who you want to be and how you want to spend your time and energy

    • practicing taking small actions that not only make sense, but also feel meaningful to you

    • connecting to the signals our bodies give us and how to pay closer attention to them

    • finding ways to manage the ups and downs as they come and not be sucker punched every time something happens that we cannot control.

    What are my clients getting out of our sessions?

    • Action-based support.

    • Use astrology birth chart as a supportive tool - learn to read it as a way to understanding your energy and patterns.

    • Practice with self-reflection and the “bigger picture.”

    • Connecting spirituality (our connectedness) with the practical day-to-day.

    • A path to building your own mental skills of being present, focus, and discernment.

    • Increased self-awareness and insights

    • Alignment of your action to your deepest, most meaningful values in life.

    • Understanding of how to nurture yourself and lean in to the really hard times

    • energy balance - the ability to say “yes” to yourself and “no” to what drains you - riding the roller coaster that is life.

    • energetic sovereignty. No longer letting your mood & emotions be completely controlled by external factors.

    • stress management and being kinder to all versions of yourself

    And for the spiritualists or spiritually curious I also offer:

    • chakra awareness and exploration

    • tarot card pulls

    Here’s the financial info but keep in mind that I provide a sliding scale for those who are experiencing financial difficulty - long story short, we make it work wherever you are in life. I gotchu <3

    Total investment (with the option to pay monthly)

    3-Month program - $570 - $190/month

    6-Month program - $1080 - $180/month

    1-Month trial program (two calls) - $150 (one trial program purchase limit per person)

    *One-off sessions - $85

    What to expect/logistics:

    • Two 60-minute coaching sessions per month where we really dig into the nitty gritty - we talk fears, dreams, steps, goals, challenges, and much more.

    • Unlimited email/text support between sessions.

    • Actionable tools to help you “do the work” in between sessions and build that confidence. The goal is to teach you how to to build whatever you need more of, so you can continue on your own without me. You are capable!

    What NOT to expect:

    • Me telling you what to do

    • Quick fixes, weight-loss, other material, bandaid solutions

    Please apply using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • Want to sync with nature’s seasons and embrace your cycles of rest and action?

    5 calls (every 2 weeks) throughout the season to learn to embrace each phase in our growth and change cycle.

    Spring Program (April 1 -May 31)

    • create new behaviors, focus on big plans, take small, aligned steps forward

    • find and build your momentum and spark of inspiration in your daily action

    • learn to embrace being a beginner and navigate the early stages of changing a behavior

    • notice tiny results that make a huge difference

    Summer Program (June 10 - Aug 9)

    • bigger, bolder steps out of our comfort zone, risk-taking with your actions

    • explore your greatest expansion and most powerful self

    • explore how your fully filled cup pours out onto those around you

    • learn to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments

    Fall Program (Sept 19th - November 7th)

    • surrender to what we can’t control and what didn’t go “right”

    • gather our lessons and get rid of what isn’t working for us

    • reap the benefits of or changes and growth and celebrate how far we’ve come. let our hard work pay off

    • prepare mentally for winter

    Winter Program (Jan 22-March 22)

    • self-reflect and get to the root of our values and purpose

    • make the connections between our unconscious feelings and our conscious actions

    • nurture our own inner flame of what inspires us to survive the difficulty of self-reflection

    • prepare for action in the spring by planning according to our greatest dreams an visions.

    Total investment (with the option to pay monthly): $395


What is coaching with me like?

Basically, like talking to a friend who is constantly making connections to the things you are telling me. LOL. Hello epiphanies & realizations… :)

We hop on a call and discuss what you want to work on, what direction you’re headed, what you’ve outgrown, etc. We combine forces to come up with next steps that feel totally right for you to give a shot. You go practice them while also using some of the skills I teach you about being present and mindful, and then you come back to me with any data you’ve collected about yourself.

We discuss any connections we can make, develop a new understanding of things, then apply to your life once again.

These calls are where we really step back and let the energy speak - meaning we are using a heavy focus on what our intuition is saying and let the process flow where it needs to go, keeping our goals in sight.

I love big-picture and energetic conversation so through this we will explore your feelings, beliefs and actions that align with where you want to go.

I support and nurture your full autonomy, I try to reduce the hierarchy and my *position of power as best as I can, and I truly believe you are capable of what you want to do, think and believe.


If you’re interested in a call to see if you are a good fit, please fill out an application. I’d love to chat and explore your needs!